Notes & Combos
Deck is super easy to play and very fast. Reached Master 1 with a record of 41 wins 19 losses (26 coin flip wins, 34 coin losses).
Some general tips/thoughts:
- shifter/dimensional fissure basically wins games on their own against any of the fiendsmith decks right now. Also does great against snake eyes. TCBOO shuts down yubel, pyros, fiends as well.
- It's really all about timing the [Exxod Fires of Rage]. Don't get baited into triggering it too early, but also don't hesitate to trigger it on their first normal summon in some cases (e.g. Tenpai)
- A lot of people don't seem to know that Exodia has destruction protection? I've won so many games b/c ppl kept trying to pop it for some reason
- [Obliterate!! Blaze] is not once per turn. If you're against a bunch of monster negates (apollusa), you can literally spam activate it until they run out of negates. It does require there to be at least 1 spell in the spell/trap zone to activate though. I made that mistake once.
- Discard your [Heart of Blue-Eyes] before you activate dimesional fissure. Also blue-eyes is once per Duel, not once per turn.
- "Angel Statue - Azurune" only negates inherent summons (summons that don't resolve as part of a chain). Sometimes if you're under Maxx C, it's better to just play Anhk for one summon rather than go through 3 summons to get to rabbit and set Azurune. Sometimes I'll skip the azurune play even if I'd only be giving them 1 draw b/c I've found the trap to be very situational and doesn't work against a lot of matchups
For the ED, aside from the super poly targets, basically only used Rabbit. I think underworld goddess came up once but I still lost that one.