Notes & Combos
Bird Spreasheet:
The following will be the hand and the play according to it. I hope this help.
Hand 1: Robina
Result: Empen + Dreaming Town (DT)
Robina search eglen, eglen search empen, empen tribute both robina and eglen, take eglen to hand, keep robina in the banish zone cause you need to chain block eglen effect next turn when you flip DT. In this turn, you can tribute eglen and Empen to play around ash (because they can ash you when you activate robina effect)
Hand 2: Robina + eglen or robina + toucan
Result: Empen + map + DT
For example, if your hand is robina +eglen (robina + toucan similarly) robina effect search toucan, eglen effect search empen, empen effect search map, (remember always keep eglen in hand, robina in the banish zone to chain block next turn) stop. Now map reveal toucan banish DT, toucan take DT back.
Hand 2.5: Map + toucan
Map reveal toucan banish robina but you have to do robina cl 1, toucan cl 2. This way, if your toucan get negated, you still have robina back to hand.
Hand 3: Map + 1 small bird + Empen/ Apex
Result: Empen + Apex + map + DT
Example: Map + eglen + Empen: map reveal eglen banish robina, robina back, eglen search apex, ns robina, robina search toucan, empen tribute both eglen and robina, take eglen back, ns toucan take robina back, ns robina again, now use your normal summon summon apex
Note: this line does play into nibiru but you already have DT in hand, you can choose to stop at only Empen to not play into Nib
Hand 4: Map + Robina
Now normaly when you reveal robina banish eglen you will search stri or toucan but with this hand, you need to search 2nd eglen, cause if they ash your 1st eglen then you still have eglen in hand and map for the next turn
Hand 5: Robina + eglen/stri + empen/Raiza going 2nd
Result: Map + DT + breaking board
Robina search stri, eglen search raiza/Empen, Empen tribute both robina + eglen search map then raiza tribute empen spin 2 cards on field back, next map reveal stri banish toucan, stri banish empen in GY toucan take empen from banish zone search DT
Hand 6: Advent + Eglen
Normally people will advent banish eglen search robina, in this case, you back to hand 2 but if they have ash/ imperm then you are done. You need to ns eglen 1st to check imperm, veiler, if they imperm or not imperm, you still use advent banish eglen search robina, robina search stri, stri banish advent then you have empen + DT
Hand 7: Advent + robina
Similarly to hand 6 but this time if they imperm your robina then you advent banish robina search map, robina search eglen then stop here. Then you use map reveal eglen banish stri then you have empen + map. Note that if they don’t veiler imperm you then you are back to hand 1. You can go greedy by Empen tribute robina and eglen search map, takes both Robina and eglen back then advent banish robina search toucan and you are back to hand 2, you end on map + empen + DT. However if you want to play around evenly match you should just play hand 1 and set advent.
In both hand 6 and hand 7, if you have shifter besides these cards, you better hold shifter in your hand to let them waste their veiler, then when you chain advent you chain shifter too.
Hand 8: eglen/stri + jack in the hand
Jack reveal 3 monsters, of course they will take robina so you will have eglen + stri, this hand you end on Empen + DT easily but if you already used shifter then you can go Empen search map, take both eglen stri back and reveal stri, banish robina to have access to robina
Hand 9: 2 small bird (at least 1 is eglen) and DT
Suppose your hand is eglen + stri + DT and you have no way to fill the GY to use stri or you suspect opponent might have ash. So the way to play this out is ns stri, link into anima, set DT. Next turn when you flip DT, eglen search effect will be chain blocked by stri.
Hand 10: Unexplored wind + eglen (or Jack in the hand) + book (turn 1)
With this hand, you need to activate unexplored wind first then you ns eglen. often enough, the opponent will have imperm in hand and they inperm you. Now is the most interesting part of this hand. When they imperm you, you book eglen then you can dodge imperm and subsequently you actually can ns empen by unexplored wind tribute eglen and imperm and you have empen. if you have no more small bird, just search advent and keep empen on the field as long as possible and then you can advent banish empen search robina.
Note 1: If your hand is unplayable turn 1 and you have shifter + cbty, you better use shifter in turn 1 cause if you shifter turn 2 you can’t use cbty turn 3. But if you don’t have cbty then you should hold shifter till turn 2
Note 2: jack in the hand + Unexplored Winds is a hand in turn 2 onwards
Note 3: Always aim to loop DT in turn 3 onwards so you can secure DT in every opponent turns.
1800 rating season 37