Gimmick Puppet

Master I from on February 4th, 2025
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I am very satisfied with this list.

horus are huge at baiting and playing through alot of things, they give alot of info on your opp hands even if they go through (do they have imperm or ash for example so you mill the correct cards, or serve as endboard pieces post nib or just ftk through nib without the fieldspell, they are also upstarts which is huge for the deck to dig for your good cards.

Sanaphond is your answer to droll on horus to beat tenpai, stole a couple of games and ty-phon is the single non gp card that came up the most to me over any other theoritical options in this slot.

Alpha is an extender and a board breaker alternative to metaltronus, even going first you can summon him with cattle on the opp's field and a link 2 on ur field + even a rouge doll.

and finally scissors is a fraud, dont play him, horus and alpha and even a pathfinder are better draws (in both opening hand and to draw into with dark strings) in 95% of the situations.

grinded this deck for weeks and took it to tourneys a bunch and ended up even figuring out ftks through droll without having to run leo and tronus, but it will be hard to pick this as a main option in the upcoming format to be honest, ill probably be switching from it in the future

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041-560-407 decided to save 2 going 2nd replays which were interesting

the fire king replay my opp timed out at the end but ty-phon run into promethean and bounce appo was game as they had no fires in hand (we have complete knowledge)