Notes & Combos
Notable Changes From Season 37 (Diamond)
New list with a bunch of handtraps I made for the Master climb post-Fiendsmith. See below for the S37 Diamond version
I think going 2nd took a big hit with all the powerful engines introduced in The Forbidden Liberated (Millennium, Azamina, Fiendsmith) that push going 1st. I think I had to play a bunch of handtraps to solve this, which is the main advantage this deck has but by a small margin.
I had Retaliating "C" at first but I think it created awkward gamestates even when it resolved without a generic link like I:P in my extra. It's one of the best trades against Hallowed Azamina but this deck has trouble removing it and dealing with my opponent's half-board if they decide to play it out instead of scooping. For example, Circular has to send from deck to cost and cannot activate under Retaliating "C" so there are times I need to use my normal summon to Xyz summon with Retaliating to get rid of it.
Droll, Ogre, Nibiru felt very good. Ogre was able to trade with Deception and Millenium cards but it gets better if you have other handtraps. Droll comes up often with Fuwalos where people will have an out for one of them, but you have the other to force them to play it out. It's very similar to having double Fuwalos or Maxx "C" + Fuwalos. Droll isn't foolproof since it prevents everything except the Fiendsmith combo which is why I value Nibiru so much. These pairings ended up working well - for example Ogre + Ash Blossom for both the Tenpai S/T ensured you survived almost always.
I want to try Belle if I can, Purulia may be able to contribute as well.
For the Extra Deck, I tried Bagooska, Heatsoul, 2nd Laplacian. I think Heatsoul endboards were fine. My main gripe was that Heatsoul could not be used as Fuwalos counter play instead of I:P. I'd control 2 LIGHTS (Diameter & Circ) so I couldn't go straight to Heatsoul - made me miss I:P into S:P. Bagooska came up like twice. At the end of the day, these flex spots are for specific situations.
Matchup Breakdown in Master (122 Duels; 58 Heads, 64 Tails)
Due to Tenpai's influence: 66 1st, 56 2nd
Matchup Breakdown in Total (166 Duels; 80 Heads, 86 Tails)
Due to Tenpai's influence: 89 1st, 77 2nd
- 18 Tenpai (10.8%, W/R = 61%)
- 17 SEFS Azamina (10.2%, W/R = 58%)
- 13 Millennium (7.8%, W/R = 38%)
Follow me on Master Duel! ID: 122-966-180
I streamed most of my climb on my twitch: mybodyisregi The bulk of my climbs can be found in my S38 Ranked Climb in the Collections tab.
twitch . tv / mybodyisregi
I dual stream on youtube as well, the last VOD got copyright blocked but it'll be back.