
Master I from on February 28th, 2025
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First time reaching Master 1! This deck is a blast and does decently well into the meta without being nearly as broken as some of the stuff going around right now.

The deck revolves around circular because it is just one of the craziest cards ever printed. If you cannot reach by hard drawing, small world, or cynet mining you can just make Alembertian with two firewalls or parallel exceeds and continue from there. Summon circular and use Alembertian to tribute itself and summon a different mathmech to activate circulars search. Then you can send a third mathmech name with darkfluid on your endphase or your opponents draw. The goal with this deck is to atleast have darkfluid and superfactorial, and if the hand allows a decode talker heatsoul. Especially if you have a juicy hand you can play through a lot of interaction and people often don't know the best points to handtrap. Maxx and the charmies are the biggest hinderance to this deck so max out on cards that can stop them.

Droll and lock bird is a goat card for this meta and this deck. Catching a fiendsmith engraver or tract with droll can shutout so many decks it is a necessity at 3 imo. Also if need be it works pretty well against maxx and the charmies. You can give them usually 2 or less draws and still get full combo.

Darkfluid effect targets- Like I mentioned a diameter or a last second name for superfactorial is never bad. Otherwise desavewurm is the go to turn 1 send. This can be great against a lot of decks, but truly ended up saving it for called by the graves trying to stop superfactorial most of the time. I have aggregator and packbit for utility. Packbit is almost always better but does require a discard. On certain boards where I had to play through a lot of handtraps and did not have a heatsoul, the packbit is either too expensive or you just dont have a card to discard. In those cases aggregator does great. If you want to take out one of these two for a second splash mage that would be fair. Also obviously multiplication is the greatest send ever for otk.

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I have a few replays I think, but will work on adding more!