Pendulum Magician

Master I from on February 23rd, 2025 • 1 comment
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 300
6 UR Craft Required 2 UR SD/Bundle/PVE
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Changes from my Master 5 list:

OUT: 3 Chronograph Sorcerer, 1 Abyss Dweller

IN: 2 Triple Tactics Talent, 1 Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon, 1 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon

I kept both lists as close to 40 cards as possible because of Maxx C and the Mulcharmies.

It's probably better to include Timegazer Magician in the M5 list. I wanted to see if I could get by without it and I did for the most part because of Wisdom-Eye Magician's and Supreme King Gate Magician's self destruction effects.

I had a smoother climb with this list though. The downside is that you'll sometimes get crappy hands because of the extra non-engine. Abyss Dweller is still a great option and I could have kept it in place of Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. It's harder to end on Dweller on top of the usual Baronne, Vortex, Apollousa, I:P, Pendulumgraphs endboard without the Chronographs. We can try to make Dweller if we can't make the other monsters for whatever reason.

Budget Options:

  • Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon can be cut. Its completely optional.
  • Any other Extra Deck monster for Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. It can't be summoned in this list. I only use it for Gate Magician's summon from hand effect to keep Odd-Eyes Rebellion XYZ Dragon in my Extra Deck.
  • Starving Venom Fusion Dragon for Odd-Eyes Rebellion XYZ Dragon
  • Triple Tactics Talent can be other non-engine
  • 1 Wings of Light instead of 2. You could add another hand trap or Duelist Alliance
  • You can get away with 0 Foolish Burial if you're just starting out.
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ID: 002-019-149

  • Full combo with this list vs lyi and Sky Striker Tenpai.
  • Full combo with the M5 list vs Blue-Eyes icon and Ranghost
  • Other replays are going 2nd. Some are older. In the replay vs Fiendsmith, I should not have used Beyond the Pendulum's destruction effect. In the oldest replay vs Stun, I thought I:P was S:P for some reason lmao. It messed me up afterwards.

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Ohy, mind sending me a dm Adagio?