
Master I from on February 24th, 2025
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 390
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Started playing again this season after 2 years and reached M1 with my favorite deck. Grind wasn’t too bad and I reached M1 in about 5 days.

Fun Deck and if you like the archetype/pend in general, M5 shouldn’t be a problem.

Tough format. Fuwalos/Maxx C/ Shifter/ Droll completely kills the deck most of the time. Can push through other handtraps. Some hands do just lose to one ash. Nib sometimes kills you but you can gas through it.

If you couldn’t disrupt snake-eyes/azamina/fiendsmith, I'd just surrender. No other deck gave me too many problems. Deck can pend zone lock you with flamberge.

Full Combo Board:

  • 2 mat Appo
  • Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
  • Baronne
  • Silhouhatte Rabbit with set azurune
  • Spright Elf with Masq and Promethean in graveyard
  • Valet in scale for battle trick

If you want to see the combo, check my replays.

If you can't get there, you should be able to minimum set up:

  • 2 mat Appo/Silhouhatte Rabbit
  • Baronne
  • Vortex Dragon

I prefer to make Silhouhatte Rabbit if I can't get Valet in scale since Appo just gets beat over.

If you get Maxx C/Fuwalos or Droll, you can set up Silhouhatte or a Appo with one pend summon and pray.

Decent amount of tools for going second and it is possible to push through multiple negations with the right hand. Deck packs a lot of gas.

Metaphys Horus is great going second tool. There are tons of ways to make him. Usually Odd-eyes synchron + any 4. Makes your opponent give you a monster and negates an effect on the field. Starts a chain with himself so go CL1 steal effect, CL2 negate effect. If you can’t OTK going second, you can steal one of your opponents boss monsters like Dragoon and use it to negate something on turn 3.

SKDSV is mostly a going second tool. Don’t loop him with Astro + Electrum turn 1 but sometimes you have to. It can copy any of your opponent’s or your boss monsters which lets you break boards and sometimes establish an easy negate.

Extra deck space is really tight. Might change Chaos Angel for Bagooska or Dweller.

Should Probably put in three bikes but I drew three once. If you don't want to include SHS, you can use three Majespecter Bunbuku and one Porcupine instead. I used this instead of SHS until M3.

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ID: 497-330-059

Have 2 replays with full combo going first and 3 going second replays. Couldn't find any replays of playing through handtraps since most people scoop when you do.