Notes & Combos
The gameplan is simple: Play vs a GY based deck (Fiendsmith, WF, Tear, etc), open evenly, resolve evenly, resolve soul release and win. Vs stun (Kash), you open any Spell wipe (Duster, any Storm, Evenly), pray they dont have Jugement or Iron counter trap and win. Trust me, this is all the deck you will encounter on the ladder.
You are not trying to kill them in one turn (although it's possible if you have linkage, raye and an open board). Instead, you are breaking their board, removing their ressources and winning on the follow up.
Other cards:
Raigeki x2: I don't have a second raigeki. Replace dark holes with whatever board breaker you have or prefer.
Pot Of Desires: Im just too unlucky with it. It destroys my grind game. I just replaced it with a second dark hole.
Lighting storm : Usually, I'm not a fan since it's dead in a grind game but suprisingly I had an open field a lot of time, topdecked into it, and won games. Not sure about 2; It could be bricky.
Upstart Goblin : You lose more to droll but hey you already lose to it so might as well double down. I prefer into the void since i can set all my hand in the end phase anyway and that extra 1000 lp made me miss lethal a lot of times.
Soul release : Before Fiendsmith, I used change of heart at 2. I then tried 1 Soul 1 Change for this meta at first but Soul Release was just that good. You draw a lot in this deck naturally so you have a high chance to open it or u can just search it with trust. It's dead in certain matchups like Stun or Kash so I only ran it at 2.
Charmers : Unfortunately, there's no space in the extra deck. They could come up but the ability to link into camellia or the link-3 striker with any random stolen monster AND stay in the floating Striker engine (Raye in GY, Shizuku end phase, Kagari follow ups) is so massive that I eventually cut my two charmers. The least used card in my Extra deck is by far Accesscode and even then, he came up more than the Charmers while I ran them.
Ty-phon : True MVP of this run. I think I solo carried his Win Rate by at least 10%. SP banish after an Evenly into Typhon bounce is so insane if you have follow-ups or if you've sucked dry your opponent so hard that you win the top deck war.
Maxx C : This card is the definition of suffering from success. It stops the turn of the opponent without wasting their ressources thus preventing us from killing them and we do not put enough disruption prevent them from comboing off next turn.
Replays: 588-424-201
Included some losses because they edgeguarded me from ranking up and they were kinda based.
Lost some cool replays but I won a lot of games where I either got drolled and maxx c on my turn or they did the stupid Beatrice Mayakashi Lock. Those variants have minimal follow-ups so I just dismantle their board and then normal summon Raye with some back row and win on my next turn. Its that simple baby. Omg yes I love Raye Sky Striker.