Sky Striker

Master I from on February 28th, 2025
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First time Master 1! Blind second Sky Striker player upgrading to Go-1st Azamina Striker!


Go-1st: Handrip your opponent with Ken-Gen + Thrust/Talent if possible, do the Azamina combo, dump Engage with exactly 3 spells in the GY if you didn't hard-draw it (if you did, consider dumping Raye), end on S:P/Shizuku/Kagari, Silvia, at least one Widow, Multirole if possible, and Deception re-set or Diabell in hand.

Go-2nd: Force out the interruptions with your many cards that can do that: Ken-Gen, Widow, Talent (but try to resolve the Talent to steal a monster, especially Apo), Engage into Widow. Afterwards, combo off, steal monsters, break the board with Accesscode, S:P, Azalea/Zeke.


Handtrap resilience package: Called By, Crossout targets, Talent, Thrust, Ken/Gen.

Ken/Gen: Make Thrust/Talent live way more often (especially Thrust, with the monster on the opponent's field) and force out Ash/Imperm/Veiler. It's Graceful Charity that also gives you a Diabell/Deception send. Almiraj optional but neat when you drew into Striker cards but no Azamina cards.

Chicken Game: Absolutely insane, not just increasing consistency (which is very needed in this deck since you don't have 1-card combos) but being basically Pot of Greed most games since it's your only free Diabell send.

Charmers/Selene/Accesscode: You use this way more often than in Pure Striker. The Azamina combo on its own makes Accesscode + 1 body (if you resolve the Charmer). Diabellstar is a valid Selene target.

Heavily reduced Striker package: the COURAGE to only play 8 Main Deck Striker cards! This is required to have space for the consistency package (Ken/Gen, Chicken Game), because this deck has no 1cc and has big consistency issues otherwise. This also lets you fit in the handtrap resilience package (Thrust, Talent, Called By, Crossout + targets), which is very much needed in the current meta as well!

Alternative techs

Most removable ED monsters: Almiraj, Hiita and Azalea. Possible alternatives: Zeke, TY-PHON, Sol Erysichthon.

You can try swapping out some of the consistency or handtrap resilience packages for handtraps, but I don't recommend it. Consistency makes this deck is VERY good at breaking boards with MOSTLY ENGINE (see my replay against Minki), which is part of why it's so much fun.

You can also try playing more Striker cards - Shark Cannon, Afterburners. You don't need more than one Multirole, because this deck can OTK very easily compared to Pure Striker.

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ID: 948-088-087

Some great examples of breaking boards with engine going second, and combo examples going first. Check out the two replays tagged "Must See" :D