Supreme King Melodious

Master I from on February 24th, 2025
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 240
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck list was from ZayneJim but with slight adjustments. First time hitting Master 1.

End board: Appo w/2400 att, Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon, I:P, and Soul of the Supreme Celestial King + handtraps from drawing with Electrumite and Melodious Concerto

Ostinato is full combo. Couplet works as a good pend scale since majority of deck is light but play accordingly. I used the two Bachas to summon Odd-Eyes Absolute into Beyond then normal summon to get Appo w/ 2400 att + Odd-eyes Vortex before pend summoning.

Second preferred opener is Shrine. Unfortunately, Shrine needs a normal summon to compliment it to summon Beyond. It is preferred to summon Electrumite first into Appo then pend summon since this protects you from Nibiru.

For a quick play while playing under Maxx C, you summon Gate Magician and set trap. Hopefully with Call By the Grave, Ash, and Crossout, you won't have to do this much.

Droll and Nibiru helps in this meta with all the combo decks.


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ID: 407-118-230