Notes & Combos
Gameplan: Use all engines to put up winning endboard through interruptions. Malicious and Fiendsmith gives access to Beatrice, sending Rainbow Bridge gives access to Horus/Kashtira, can also send Tear names to fuse. Horus engine is most important, allows you to discard bricks for graveyard effects and gives you up to 4 materials to play with.
Ideal end board is some or all of the following: Apollousa, Desirae, Beatrice, Baronne, IP, Rulkallos
Malicious allows you to get both copies of Beatrice out, she is only a soft once per turn.
Deck has a crazy amount of bricks, so playing some non-standard starters to improve consistency:
- Supreme Sea Mare - Functions similarly to Reinohart, amazing mill off Zombie Vampire
- Card Destruction - Discards bricks and redraws hand
- Left Arm Offering - Searches That Grass
Cards to cut:
- Dark Ruler No More - Going Second card, searchable off Thrust
- Triple Tactics Thrust - Mostly useful going second, can search Dark Ruler or Grass
- Destrudo - Only really useful to make Baronne
- Baronne - Hard to make, needs Kashtiras and either Destrudo, Tuner from Zombie Vampire or normal summon Ash Blossom
- Kaleido-Heart - Rarely comes up, hard to see all the materials without lucky mills or Grass.