Notes & Combos
Watch out for droll! Added +3 dark holes and -3 into the void at M5 because i was dying to both cards, your first search should be the last one if you can play around that
From M3-M1 added +3 super poly (had +1 ultimate slayer +1 TTTalents + 1 afterburner +1 widow anchor -1 jamming waves) Since the 3/4 of the extra deck doesnt come up in most of the games i decided to put only ultimate slayer and super poly targets to out the opp board
Final push from M5-M1 done in about 9hrs from 2/23/25 to 2/24/25, last 20 games were 12-8
I was waiting for the SS pack to come at some point to pull for it since the meta right now is heavy focus in monster negates/removal than omninegates, and you can also outrade the negates made by AZA-FS/SE-WF decks
- Be aware, this list is designed to go 2nd only, it has basically 0 plays if you lose the coin flip against a sky striker or tenpai, the deck are still popular but isnt worth to put a card like SEALS that you will use like 3 times during the whole run
- This variant has a good match up against the most popular engine/decks from this format
- People are still playing pseudo FTKs (reasoning/grass piles, kali yuga, beatrice/rollback floodgates, virus), this list has no outs for lingering turn/summon skips
And in my opinion it is more fun than throwing handtraps galore