Tenpai Dragon

Master I from on February 22nd, 2025
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos


Sky striker feels really good baiting interuptions and generating card advantage. In this meta, going first boards are too powerful to distrupt with just hand traps. The most MVP were Ultimate slayer and Shark cannon. Ultimate slayer to deal with trouble monsters and shark cannon to steal powerful monster like Promethean Princess or Baronne.

Most matches were snake-eyes fiendsmith, Tearlaments, white forest, and exodia. Ultimate Slayer does work against all these especially with all the fusion azamina and fiendsmith omni negates. Quite a few matches I think im just dead cuz of the long combo oppresive boards and looking at my hand but I somehow navigate and clear the board. There were a few Tenpai where I went first and second, but I guess I got a little lucky against them going first

I swapped red reboot to maxx C, stil not sure about this. I only had it resolve 2-3 times which at worse ate an ash. Red reboot would brick against non-backrow deck and even against them, I would find a way to pop the backrow, or make it unactivatable (Tear traps).

The only flex spot in the extra deck is Shizuku. I initially had Haytate but never used them. Drawing a card from Garura or Engage make a big difference since every card is pretty powerful on its own.

Probably one of my most chill master 1 ladder experience cuz I just wait for the opponent to finish their combos then break their boards.

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