Notes & Combos
Konami fix your ranking system Master rank need to be 5 loss demotion Diamond 4 loss demotion.
abysmal season to play fiendsmith every where
snake eyss, fiendsmith, white forest and yubel all need to get hit they all combine to make mytiple 1 card combos. Add in all the handtraps made going second unwinnale.
Concept: I used sky striker 17 days, got d3 and it stopped working no matter what cards i put in, first or second sky striker wasnt powerful enough.
So i had enough losing coin tosses losing games playing 5+ hours a day just to get demoted then rank up then lose another 5 was driving me insane.
Added tenpai break their board use sky striker to bait all disruptions ahhahhhahahaha.
They think they get another turn normal pairda they surrender i had fun this season using tenpai.
What took pure sky striker 17 days for D3 took tenpai sky striker 4 days from D3 to M1 and i had fun playing it will be using tenpai again that u can be sure of.
Replays will poat the game plays as soon as i can thanks and enjoy Id: 359-186-569 replays all public enjoy.