White Forest Azamina

Master I from on February 8th, 2025
cp-ur 1260 + cp-sr 420
42 cards

Notes & Combos

White Forest to Master 1!! Fun deck! Standard Endboard: Baronne, Ilia Silvia, Diabell with Woes and Sinful Spoils of the White Forest in the backrow

  • If you get Fuwalos-ed or Maxx "C" - ed, Ilia Silvia pass if possible

  • You can "sort of" play around Purulia but you would have to do Fiendsmith lines

  • Droll is MVP this format!

  • No Bystials because they didn't seem to offer me that much

  • Elf is if you start with specifically "Fiendsmith Engraver" and make Beatrice then send Astellar and then reborn it with Elf using Beatrice and Sequence as materials

  • If you don't open any Fiendsmith cards, don't go out of your way to do Fiendsmith combo, it isn't worth much, especially without Lacrima

Have fun dueling!

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