Notes & Combos
Dinos performed pretty well in this format. With the new extenders the deck doesn't instantly die to any of the most common handtraps of the format being able to put up boards through most everything.
The main deck is pretty standard. I opted not to run lost world since it can be a brick on its own and the deck doesn't need targeting protection or the additional pop since no scrap engine.
Two archisaur because some hands can just get awkward with one in hand such as Ovi,Misc,Arch and I liked the extra utility plus arch is not a brick to draw most of the time.
One important thing to know is Xeno triggers in the damage step. This comes in clutch when breaking boards because you can Ovi beat over a monster then immediatly convert to Baron through opponents negates.
With Droll being a main stay in this format always try to start off with effects that play into it such as Arch and Ground Xeno to not commit to a line and immediatly get screwed by Droll. Oviraptor make or breaks hands playing into Droll so save Ovi effect until you know the threat of Droll is gone. Ovi dumping Giant Rex and Misc can both convert into play makers under Droll and using Fossil Dig to make the hand Ovi + Misc plays through Droll entirely by dumping Giant Rex then summoning Petit for an endboard of Pank + Dolkka under Droll.
For my Extra Deck my key card was definitely Gustav Max. Gustav Max fullfils the same role Dugares does for Dino decks while commiting to the standard Dino lines. I had several games where I was able to commit to board breaking under Misc, book the field, then make Baron to clear threats and xyz Gustav Max for lethal. This came up several times on my climb to Master 1 and no one expected it.
Baron being so accessable helps a lot in breaking boards
The fusion comes in clutch for saving dead hands
Lambda and Accel were both for Gamma with Accel helping for breaking boards going second and Lambda coming in clutch for even being a bait disruption at points and forcing interuption to come for it with no Gamma in hand.
Access Code and Bagooska never came up in the climb and could be swaped. Links didn't generally come up past Elf/Standard Dino stuff.
Have fun Dino enjoyers out there!
My Id: 752-080-015
I got two Dino replays on my account from my climb.