
Master I from on January 17th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 480
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my second deck list I've posted to MDM. I first posted back in October with a deck list that was more or less similar to the one I'll be posting now, so I'll just go over the changes I've made.

  1. Handtraps This is the biggest change I've made. In my last list, I went over the fact that Trap heavy, Ikea-less Lab is the best way to play the deck. And I still stand by that. But with SHS running FTK builds, I've had to adapt the list a little. Admittedly, I didn't see as much SHS as I thought was I was going, so maybe I could have cut Maxx C, Droll, and Nib for things like IDP or Daruma, but it worked for me.
  2. There can be only one Normally, I wouldn't run this in a Lab deck. This turns off your Welcomes if you have a Fiend and that's not good for the grind. However, it hurts more decks than ours, and the other floodgates have been hit, so some slots need to be filled. This card will kill SHS, Mathmech, Lab mirrors (if you can keep Lord on the field as another body), Swordsoul, etc. Just don't use it when you have a Torbie or Arianna, and you should be fine.
  3. Wannabe This is an interesting card and it was a pretty decent card. It has two uses: first is to begin some plays going second, and the second is that it's a great material for Chaos Angel since it's Light attribute.
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Master Duel ID: 313-002-811

I tried to pick a few games that weren't too heavily one-sided, although I may have slipped in a game or two to showcase some nasty things you can do with the deck.