Notes & Combos
Reached M1 with Chimera again on the 13th, but took some time to make the videos.
The climb this month was pretty easy with this deck. I had about 80% WR up until M2, within M2 it was more like 50-60%. A lot of Tenpai, VV, lab. All of which are easy matchups for chimera.
I adjusted the non engines a little bit since I also saw more yubel players in master ranks. I dropped TTTs and DD Crows around Master 3 and added 2 imperms and a 3rd Book of Eclipse:
- TTT: A lot of people now just shotgun Fuwa and Maxx C in the Draw Phase, so I had a handful of games where TTT was a dead card on my hand while going 1st. However, I still think TTT is still great card in this deck. You should definitely still play it if you can fit it.
- Imperms: I added 2 imperms because I saw more Yubel players after Varudras' release. Imperm is just great against Yubel if you have to go 2nd against them. Other than that, Super Poly fusing Rage and Varudras is also great.
- A 3rd Book of Eclipse: I got handtrapped lot by imperms and veiler, so I wanted to maximize the outplay potential from book of eclipse. A lot of games also ended simply because I chained book to opp's imperm, leading to them scooping.
Of course, you should adjust your non-engine choices according to what you see on the ladder.