Notes & Combos
Pretty standard pure melodious list. Climbed during pre-nerf tenpai meta. Tenpai matchup is harder than you might expect; A single uninterrupted sangen summoning + proper play will allow a tenpai to kill you through aria, and they can go into meteorburst/transcendent in MP1 to deny your etoile/schuberta in BP. Droplet almost always leads to a loss as well.
Evenly matched just because the deck has a really hard time fighting kashtira, lab, secret village, etc. Since there's no in-engine destruction or backrow hate, continuous spells like kash birth that can't be permanently removed and continuously generate value are back breaking.
Don't be too afraid of etoile dying, her leaving the field effect is broken and if you bring out a bacha you can always later revive your etoile to bounce (if you havent already used it) or aria (if your opponent answered it).
I think elegy is bad, never regretted cutting it. The effect almost never matters, and opening it instead of a sonata/canon felt terrible.
Underworld goddess is necessary for chaos angel, and it's really nice to have etoile return in EP and being able to immediately goddess if needed. Mirage light almost never came up, but the times you are able to negate+destroy sangen summoning changes defeat into victory.
Droll is a fun anti-Maxx C card. The deck can play at 100% power through droll once you get to concerto, and the deck doesn't have good sidelines to go into if you get Maxx C'd (bagooska pass).
Bloom Prima is bait, there are theoretical games where it secures you lethal where you otherwise wouldn't have it, but in practice you can generate so much damage that it isn't a problem.
Bloom Diva is in a similar boat. I won a game or two with it but eventually cut it because it was only ever used for burn damage (very good against PEP). Hard to make and the protection is pretty mid. The idea of Ostinato -> Maxx C -> Bloom Diva pass is pure cope.