Sky Striker

Master I from on January 22nd, 2025
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Third Master 1 Season with Pure Striker!

This time we do NOT blind second, and instead we actually choose to go first!

Normally Striker is best played blind-second with a lot of board wipes and power spells, but because of the widespread popularity of Gimmick Puppet FTK, Secret Village, Diabellez and various insane go-first combo decks, I decided it's best to just try to go first!

I have removed the board wipes and put in cards that can be useful going first or second, along with Dimensional Barrier which is our strongest method of stopping everything other than Link decks, and can be chained to Backrow wipes.

Even going second with no handtraps or board wipes, Striker cards with strong non-engine is good enough to beat almost any board that actually lets you play!

Card Reasoning:

3x Area Zero: Probably the weirdest decision here but we REALLY want them to hand trap us going first to turn on Talents/Thrust and Area Zero target Raye -> Chain Raye is suprisingly good in 2025.

2x Multi-Role: Also normally a one of but it plays very nicely with Area Zero turn 1, and ALWAYS baits omni-negates going second

Foolish Burial of Goods: Mostly for Metalfoes Fusion but you can also send Engage turn 1 and try to add back. Also if it's first action they don't know you're sending something harmless and might waste an Ash on it

MetalFoes Fusion: You almost always have a way to get rid of it between Cyanos/Multirole/Area Zero/Droplet/Linkage and gives you something to do Turn 1

Desires: If you need it use it, and if you're worried about banishing important cards then send it for multi-role or Area Zero

3x Dimensional Barrier: Most consistent way to not die going first against Tenpai and not have to commit a lot of backrow in case they have Duster/Storm. Thrust always searches this turn 1

2x Talents: Bricked too many times on 3x with no way to activate it

Cyanos: Weak to handtraps but the GY effect is a life saver and it at least baits stuff out Turn 1 for TTT. Just make sure you have a way to get it off the board if you do use it in case it gets hand trapped (For this I play Almiraj as a last resort)

Ty-Phon: This guy is sometimes my favorite Sky Striker monster

3x Cosmic: Really our only consistent backrow removal. HEAVY backrow decks can be annoying so use it wisely vs them

3x Raye: I don't normally like 3 Raye because it can be bricky but going first you really need the consistency

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Diamond 5 to Master 5 matches (Slightly different list but still go first Striker w/o Hand Traps or Board Wipes):

I will upload my Master 5 to Master 1 matches later this week so please check back soon! (Check the comments of this deck list)