Tenpai Dragon

Master I from on January 31st, 2025
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 330
41 cards

Notes & Combos

10-card 10-Pai engine because you don't want to open more than 1-2 starters. Only 1 Nibiru to not mess with Striker cards in most duels. 41 cards to not open Fadra as often, so a 3rd Upstart and 42 cards wouldnt be bad either. Ran more than 1 drones over other Striker cards cause it can get to Hiita (10Pai). 4 striker tools is enough for engage to not be off 90% of the time but running 5 would be safer. Despite the fact that you can pitch useless cards with Droplet and Sangen S, I prioritized diversity and lowering the chance of opening doubles hence why I ran some board breakers at 2 and not 3 copies. Imagine opening 2 book of eclipse vs Cyberse, 2 Ultimate Slayer vs VV,etc... Nearly everything in the extra deck comes up very often. Yes, even Hayate and Camellia came up more often than Seals. Black Rose Dragon is the only piece that I barely needed so it could be replaced by the second Bident or another 7 synchro like the Odd-eyes.

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