Notes & Combos
M5 -> M1
Ended up ranking up to M1 right before maintenance started (had 2-3 minutes to spare)
Got pretty lucky this season and didn't demote this time around. The only major pain points were being stuck in Master 4 for 25 games. Each time I won 1 or 2 games, I would then lose 1 or 2 games and that kept occurring until I was able to break free.
Normally, I don't feel like late season climbing really affects me too much for how my games go, however, I had at least a handful of games I can recall off the top of my head where my opponents basically threw their games with some plays they did that let me come out on top.
Besides that, as mentioned, I feel like I got pretty lucky with how some games went for me to get to M1 as quickly as I did (48 games) after only 3 sessions of playing starting on the 26th.
Not really much else to say given that my deck is the same as it has been. Ended up using everything in my deck/ED, so nothing really underperformed as an easy cut other than if you want to bring up things like opening multiple Solemns and the like going second where they won't do anything to break the board your opponent has put up, however, you just kind of live with it with how the deck is.
- Going second against White Forest (rank-up to M1) [3 Torrential - ピーマン]
- Going first against Yubel that had everything, but misplayed basically the entire time (not a great game for me, but it's crazy for what my opponent kept doing) [3 Ash - Snoogins]
- Going first against Branded/Tear [3 Arach - all kanji]