Master I from on July 28th, 2023
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 420
42 cards

Notes & Combos

this is a 43 card build. I know that's a weird amount of cards. I'm usually a 40 or 41 card deck kind of guy. After seeing Nate Christmas top 32 vid. He explained why he uses 45 cards. He basically said foolish is really good aND can be used with malicious, mist and cross keeper. If you've seen my builds before you know I'm a huge believer in cross keeper. I though 45 was a bit inconsistent. So I went down to 44 and it was a little more consistent. Then went down to 43 and it was perfect. I cut the 3rd mask change and believe it or not Red reboot. Even at 44 with red reboot the deck IMO runs better at 43 but if you do go to 44 that card should be RR.

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