
Master I from on July 28th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Two Lady Labrynths and two Welcome Labrynths because playing three of each of them would be too bricky and it's usually enough to get one welcome in rotation.

The shufflers and the bystials are the best non engine of the main deck and almost guarantee a win against Tear, plus they're good into almost every other meta deck like spright, branded and dragon link. Big welcome allows us to loop the bystials for continued banishes.

Gamma is a nice addition with similar synergy, since you can bounce the driver to your hand which allows you to resolve gamma multiple times. Also drawing driver isn't that big of a brick (but it's still awful don't get me wrong) since you can discard him with your furnitures and still use gamma since he can summon driver from the gy for his effect.

Terrors of the overrot is the most versatile normal trap and also great against tear because of the gy manipulation. Eradicator is a blowout card but not that useful against tear tbh.

The ED is pretty much only utility. You don't need a majority of the cards I play. The synchros are there for when you resolve gamma on your own turn, which is super nieche. Two bucephalos and two garura are there because of extrav reasons, but one and one is fine. Since punishment isn't the best trap in the current meta game you can just cut it and then you actually don't need all the expensive targets for it. Aggregator is there as a punishment target against floo, Underworld Goddess is there because you lack tools against towers and can flood the board relatively easy.

The only important ED card is Muckraker. She helps with OTKs, reviving your Lovely without big welcome and other recovery like summoning Arianna for a search.

You could play dimensional barrier, a second cooclock, some of the permanent floodgates or other normal trap spot removal like Ice dragons prison or compulsory evacuation device up to preferance.

Don't forget big welcomes gy effect in situations where you can't bounce your opponents stuff. It can help you dodge targeting effects on your own monsters or bring your whole engine online when you have torbie, chandraglier and welcome already in grave.

The furniture is what makes this deck tick. For some general tips:

  • Chandraglier is the better one rn since you can recycle him under maxx C without giving your opponent a draw and Chaos Angel doesn't exist yet
  • They can pay for each others costs, so always start with chandraglier ditching torbie if you have both of them in hand.
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