
Master I from on July 18th, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Hi my name is Lenny. I have been playing Dinomorphia for several years TCG-side and eventually on Master Duel when it reached full power. It is easily the worst deck in Yu-Gi-Oh! on a semi-competitive scale (a deck you could theoretically play in modern day without immediately forfeiting), and this has been exacerbated by the advent of Yubel and the Fiendsmith engine that supports it. This deck can only be recommended to masochists or people that like the deck's theme. I found it cool I somehow hit Master 1 within a week from scratch and decided to submit a decklist.

Brief Points of Note

x1 Lilith should always supplant a third Dinomorphia Diplos, as he is easily the worst card in the deck and the most horrifying card to see in your opening hand. Unfortunately, playing only one copy of Diplos is pushing your luck so I had to settle for two. Lilith can pitch Soul of the Supreme King or any of the main Dinomorphia fusion cards, essentially making her a fourth Therizia and playing into the Supreme King package. There are x2 Lilith in this list because for some mystifying reason, Pot of Duality is limited on Master Duel and I could not find a better card for consistency next to the other Pot of Prosperity.

I am currently not playing Maxx C as the rate in which it gets negated is so astromonical I have unironically called its usefulness into question, especially when you stake going second only on six card slots. Fortunately, Droll hurts many strong decks and isn't so easily stoppable.

The deck has a nigh-unwinnable matchup against Yubel unless it goes first and either negates every single summon or registers Soul of the Supreme King, at which point Pendulum Brave Dragon automatically wins the game. TCG-Side, a Skill Drain at 3 would simply suffice to counter Yubel more effectively but this is of course not the case on Master Duel. I attempted to remove Ferret Flames for Yubel specific counters, which ended horribly when faced with other decks so I simply live with it.

The deck can oddly go toe-to-toe believably with anything that isn't Yubel however, including Snake Eyes and Centurion, which is how I probably clawed up the ladder. It does however humiliatingly lose easily to debatable troll decks such as Paleozoic and the oddball burn deck.

All of this is why I can never really recommend this deck unless people simply like its looks.

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