
Master I from on July 15th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 390
60 cards

Notes & Combos

One new piece of support that went under the radar was Arcana force XV - The Fiend. The Fiend is a light fairy (i.e. searchable by Benten) that searches light barrier. Now drytron already had a pseudo-turn skip in Amorphage package and has to run one more brick and the bricks are of generally worse quality. That being said, this is definetly the better turn skip variant. For one it is much easier to accomplish, as it only requires tributing benten twice and does not need you to clear your board for auroradon so there are some hands that set up appollousa for example before ftking. It is also a true turn skip so you don't have to worry about their extra card and whatever called by-s they throw at you and it is easier to repeat as it requires 2 tributes rather than 3 should something go wrong. The standard alpha zeta line also ends on turn skip + Benten in hand which means that you are guaranteed follow up even in the most basic line which the previous pseudo-turn skip could only do with tributing the amorphage for next turn, which would not guarantee access to benten should the alpha get called by etc. 60 cards is not necessary. I just love this version with tomahawk etc more. Overall was a pretty fun climb and new replays are all of this deck. I.D. is below. That being said, drytron was definetly worse off this season. Our best matchups in lab and rescue ace are not as popular anymore and while yubel is a half-decent matchup we got a new terrible one in Centur-ION as they play a lot of handtraps, especially bystials. Macro decks were also way more popular this time around. So enjoyable deck but proceeed with some frustration to auto lose things coming up on the ladder.

Replay ID: 544 - 879 - 055

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