Evil Eye

Master I from on July 9th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 330
42 cards

Notes & Combos


That is this meta in a nutshell. I made it to M2 initially with Dogmatika EE, but a streak of bad luck got me down to M5. Dogmatika has a ton of destruction-based interaction - something that plays horrifically into this Tear and FK meta.

I swapped back to Horus EE after getting back down to M5 and found the climb to be significantly easier. Horus offers a lot more flexibility + consistency over Dogmatika, especially with Nadir's Servant at 2.

Some changes from the previous version of the deck:

  1. I added back in a second Selene - S:P was too common a threat to only rely on 1. Additionally, a second Selene offers OTK lines that you cannot otherwise access (see replays). I replaced one Effect Veiler for it.
  2. I swapped out Ogre for Belle: I saw a lot more FKSE this time than Horus. Belle is a more generic answer to a ton of popular decks right now.

Extra deck is pretty flexible, I never went into Punisher or Azalea this time around (Dharc -> S:P is prob a better option). 2X Gorgon and 2X Zerrz are there to address Unicorn, but I really didn't come across many Kash this time around.

LMK if you have any questions.

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Replays on 163-320-734.