
Master I from on July 28th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 450
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Fluffal Snake Eyes 60-card pile. I couldn't make pure Fluffals work in this meta. The Snake Eyes engine is too good and has mad synergy with Toy Vendor

Is this deck as good as Fire King Snake Eyes? No of course not. It runs too many 1-ofs and bricks all the time. It took like 2 weeks to learn how to pilot this deck properly.

On the plus side:

  • No one expects to get Cruel Whaled. It's always funny when Cruel Whale just ends your opponent's turn
  • A starting hand of 1 Snake Eye starter and 2 Fluffal starters, uninterrupted, can end on a board of Apollusa/Baronne/Naturia Beast (Apollusa fromb IP and Baronne from Accel Synchron on your opponent's main phase)
  • Guardian Chimera is an absolute unit for boardbreaking going 2nd. A chainblocked Chimera can't be negated, and there are multiple ways to chainblock it (Poplar, Edge Imp Chain, Dolphin, Trick Clown). Also one reads cards and people misplay against Chimera all the time.
  • On turn 2, a lot of times you just do random Fluffal stuff to burn through their negates, and when they're out of gas you drop a Snake Eyes starter and OTK them.
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