Infernoble Knight

Master I from on July 11th, 2024
cp-ur 1200 + cp-sr 600
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Maxx C is for the weak. Knights should be strong and break boards like true adventurers! I consider this a first turn mikanko deck but I feel like there are more infernoble cards that make it fall under that category.

This deck is heavily inspired by YokataAn top 100 deck and RelaxGaming. This deck is based on high efficiency cards instead of relying on hand traps.

Extra deck really wants 16 cards - since you want linkuriboh. I chose to not use link because often i didn't need it (really the only times I wanted link was when I wanted to use SP) it does offer a different combo line (but from my experience opens you up to a early nib. I recommend watching RelaxGaming Youtube in which they eliminated sprind to keep Barone and link, otherwise your only other option is to eliminate barone or maybe the second Isolde which is not recommended. The need for 2 isoldes doesn't come up much but not having is a gauranteed lose when you need her.

I vary from RelaxGaming adventure deck by using Mikanko Kigura, Oliver, snake eyes oak. Handtraps are flexible - I found droll very strong- so highly recommend it at 2. And yes no Maxx C needed - you can add with a crossout if you want but you will need to remove something. Oliver gives some additional routes with its special summon and gives untargetable when equipped which helps protect one of your Charles. I prefer Kigura over duster since its searchable by isolde so you don't have to rely on having a thrust in your hand- which becomes a dead card going first. Oak can set up a barone protection - see Relaxgaming combo video on this. I found Niburu to not be good with current Meta decks - but up to you - if you run crossout its nice to include.

I prefer double durandel vs a duradel and almace because you can equip durandel to an opponent to search vs almace which requires you to have a monster to equip durandel with its search effect.

Lastly - don't forget adventure engine shuts off your normal summon effects. Its why the deck relys heavily on special summoning. So pay attention to that when you decide to make plays

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Here is Relaxgaming video on this adventure enginer