
Master I from on July 16th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Well, this Ranked Season I'm back in with Kashtira, because this Fire meta really annoys me and I'd rather play on the "anti-grave" side.

Last time I played with Horus. This time, however, I really went for the "anti-grave" part, which you can clearly see with Macro Cosmos and Shifter.

Another reason for this was Yubel in particular, as Cosmos and Shifter hold them back a lot on the first turn and partially on the second turn - which is good! Fire King literally dies under Cosmos and Shifter, which is also very good. Thrust into Different D. Grounds on my first turn after getting Maxx C'd is also a play that partially won me the match afterwards.

Cosmos and Shifter are therefore partial autowin buttons in the current meta, which makes me very happy, as the Fire decks deserve to be able to do nothing more. :-)

Endboard is still Kashtira typical: 3 material Arise-Heart, Shangri-Ira (with Fenrir as material) and Unicorn on the opponent's turn through Shangri.

It should be noted that my combo always requires 2 Shangri Ira's, since I place Arise over a 2 material Shangri. Big Bang should therefore be exiled, which in combination with Arise-Heart allows me to add Big Bang as a material on the opponent's turn, exile it with Arise's effect and then summon Fenrir from the remaining Shangri Ira.

However, Nibiru here is instand Death... Kashtira typical.

Unfortunately, I have to say that BRICK-tira was also responsible for me not winning certain matches. It was often the case here, that when I was allowed to play First (unfortunately, you have to say it that way because the coin is a bit buggy), I didn't have a play - which is of course very stupid. Birth on 3 definitely helped, but Unicorn on 3 would still be necessary to have a constant play in almost every Match.

Nevertheless, Kashtira performed very well and got me through this whole Fire/Yubel meta.

You can find some replays under the ID below, although unfortunately I don't have a recording where you can see my complete turn 1 board.

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Player ID: 637-614-998