
Master I from on July 21st, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

M5 to M1 - 56 - 41 Going First Winrate - 59% Going Second Winrate - 51%

This is pretty much the same decklist (original deck concept form SwithHero) as last season with a few small changes including +1 Birth and +1 Riseheart. It's pretty similar to last season where if you can get your combo started or going even a little, it's good, but if not, then you are kind of stuck in a worse position compared to a pure Kashtira endboard. I just think it's pretty fun and seemed to work.

I also tried Evenly Matched instead / with imperm, another TTT, and Dimension Shifter but that put the list over 40, in the end this is what I used for most of the climb. Let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas for improvements! Adventure / Diabellstar is also something I'd like to try in this.

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