
Master I from on July 29th, 2024
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 720
45 cards

Notes & Combos

✨⭐️✨ I D :091-690-479 ✨⭐️✨ Add Me

Replays of deck are up on profile.

  • Vs. Zlapfk --> Lose coin flip, opponent goes full spright combo, we crack board with just engine. Very good demonstration of pure Kozmo power.
  • Vs. wdzs --> Lose coin flip against Snake-Eyes, game turns into Maxx C slug fest & you get to see why Kozmo does it better.
  • Vs Luo --> Lose coin flip vs. Swordsoul, deep draw until board breakers.

This deck aims to go 1st and set up 2-4 interuptions through Dark Lady, in hand Dark Destroyer, Kozmo (+2), SPoly, or Solemns. Going 2nd the strategy is typically deep draw until you get SPoly or Evenly; additionally I have included a few Zeus lines in the deck. The deck doesn't lose to Maxx C since it can play well with a single SS so this frees space for non Maxx C mini game cards (Ash, Called By, Crossout).

Plays to be aware of:

  • Any Pilot + DD should be used to summon DD, pop self, and float into SM followed up his +1 effect. See replay for basic version of this interaction.
  • Allure + Town is essentially a +1 due to recycling and the Town reload effect is very useful for both going 1st and searching for backrow, and going 2nd looking for Spoly.
  • Using Slip Rider to pop your field gets you Mojo which allows for floating + untargetting banish.
  • The key to winning with this deck is to play 100% into advancing your resources. I'll include a replay below on a basic test hand and how to make sure your recycling appropriately and getting the most out of loops and floating. It is an RNG replay (not scripted) however since a majority of this deck's plays are NOT LINEAR and require you to think about how your cards interact.

Considerations for the deck:

  • You can run Summon Limit very easily. You can also use Gozen/Rivalry. The Pilots/Ships have interesting interactions with the floodgats as you can activate them with Type/Atribe Psychic if you have a legal target (Psychic or same attribute); but after activation you can change the type you are summoning to your field. This also works with TCBOO.
  • If you want to win 90% of going 1st games, and 10% of going 2nd, switch to this strat above and replace Evenly/Spoly.
  • You can replace Maxx C with Time Tearing Morganite. I did this for 1/2 of the season and couldn't decide which version I liked more. Eventually went with this due to a stronger Yubel/Fire King Sneyes matchup.
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https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=252864-62724553 ⬆️ Any Pilot + Dark Destroyer going 1st, for some reason I never see people mention this play.

https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=252864-62724636 ⬆️ Basic resource loop management.

For much better replays watch on my profile 😃

✨⭐️✨ I D :091-690-479 ✨⭐️✨