
Master I from on July 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

After testing countless combinations (including Ghosttrick, Snake Eyes, Kashtira, and other potential additions to this archetype), I’ve settled on what I believe is the best deck for the current meta.

As the primary handtrap in this deck, we’ll be using Droll. Starting with it or drawing it by the second turn is practically a win condition.

Regarding other key cards, Triple Tactics Talent is essential in this meta, especially with so many Yubel and Centurion players. It allows us to draw monsters—primarily Apollousa and Cosmic Dragon.

The Cosmic Cyclone: Purrely doesn’t have many ways to completely break through enemy boards, but the Cyclone has been a great help against Yubel decks.

In the Extra Deck, it’s quite standard. The most crucial card after the Purrely cards themselves is Zeus. Typhoon is situational, and if you find yourself forced to summon it, it usually means you’re already in a losing position.

Understanding how to use the Extra Deck is essential. Lyrisuc comes into play when you have a significant advantage. Only then should you summon it as an extension of Noir Purrely + Beauty Epully. If those conditions aren’t met, it’s better not to bring it out. As for Princess, use her only when you’ve exhausted other combo options with spells.

The S:P is for removing annoying cards. Consider using it only when you have no other options to deal with enemy cards. Lastly, Zeus is a valuable resource, but be cautious. If you need to use it, you’ll be fully exposed. Ideally, summon it with at least 6 materials for safety.

I’ve found Happiness Expurrely to be incredibly useful. While we usually don’t activate its effect, its piercing ability has won me several duels. Even just two hits can deal 3,000 piercing damage.

Regarding Pot of Prosperity, prioritize banning cards in this order: Lyrisuc > Princess, Happiness Expurrely > Drowned > Happiness Purrely > Beauty Purrely.

This deck is genuinely strong. Sometimes you’ll draw bad hands, but focus on baiting effects with Purrely and summoning it multiple times. If you can activate the trap, do so—it lets you return Purrelys to the deck for further summons.

Against Yubel, this deck performs exceptionally well—I’ve won approximately 80% of those duels. The toughest matchups are Centurion (when going second) and any stun-based decks.

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Replays of climb: https://youtu.be/G772Dio_vBc?si=dxFd85DD-GckkLCY