
Master I from on July 12th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 420
47 cards

Notes & Combos


We're back, and the deck is mostly unchanged! The climb was much more arduous than expected, but overall manageable. You can visit my other post explaining my Master 5 build, as that will go more into depth about my deckbuilding choices. This post is mostly just an update about what was optimized. That said, here's what's new:

Main Deck

I reduced the card count a little from the Master 5 build to give a minor boost to consistency and aim to either start with a massive wipe in Evenly Matched, or guarantee as much gas as possible. The only arguable exception to this is Poplar, which I removed 1x copy of in order to ensure a diverse hand.

The omission of Nibiru, Droll, Fire Attacker, and Fire Flint lady were necessary optimizations, as Fire Flint lady was an extender that was at best a win-more, and Nibiru conflicted with Evenly Matched. Droll also made way for Gamma, as in reduced gamestates, Gamma was a much more powerful tool that synergized better with evenly. It also served as a massive win-more tool if I was able to resolve it off of OSS, Bonfire, or Emergency if my hand had few normal summons. Fire Attacker, while a useful name to have in larger builds, still can produce bad hands if it doesn't have a named normal summon to exist alongside itself, and its draw ability, while useful, can only do so much in larger builds (even if there are ideal ones in spades for it to find).

Triple Tactics Talent ended up being a necessary and powerful boon to the deck as well (as one might expect), and won me games on its own occasionally. Going 2nd in the mirror match, when Apollousa is set up, was made easy with this card, and being able to hand-rip any one of a starter, negate, or board wipe going 1st is always helpful.

Extra Deck

The only change here is that Reprodocus's package has been replaced. While Kashtira Unicorn's effect isn't a silver bullet, Promethean Princess is as close to one as you could get with the main OTK strategy in the Master 5 brew. In order to insure that games can be ended as optimally as possible, Accesscode and Unicorn have been added (the reason I'm not using Selene is because I don't want to rely on Diabellstar being in the GY for it to resolve).


That's everything! Tp me, this deck is as strong and versatile as ever in spite of the banlist. Best of luck trying this brew out!

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-Example of Baronne line (WITHOUT Isolde, 2c)

-Example of Baronne line (WITH Isolde, 1c)

-Extreme grind game potential vs. Purrely (11 turns)