
Master I from on July 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 270
42 cards

Notes & Combos

For this season, I set out to reach M1 with Yubel, but I didn't like the field it leaves. So, while looking for another deck or a way to improve, I found a Spright list with Yubel. I decided to try it out, and I liked it. The Thrones bait out hand traps a lot. The combo was resolving Gigantic with that, either bringing out Kid or Blue, and then sending the other one with Sprind. I played 42 cards to minimize bricks. The best end board is: Elf , Sprind , Melffy Xyz , I:p, melffy catty and carrot or red.

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ID: 463-349-438

Replay 1(M1 climb): Going second vs full combo Yubel and the TTT was MVP.

Replay 2: Full Otk with burst.

Replay 3: Full combo Spright.