Stardust Bystial

Master I from on July 14th, 2024
cp-ur 1140 + cp-sr 540
50 cards

Notes & Combos

Decklist mostly copied from mainländer. Easily the most fun I've had playing a deck in this game for a very long time! It is quite capable if you know how to use each part of the deck correctly.

Centur-Ions are fairly straightforward once you memorize which effects lock the monster from being SS'ed for the rest of the turn.

Best bystial targets right now are I:P for Pure SE, and either Grave Squirmer or Yama for Yubel decks. Yama is also the best PSY-Frame target for Yubel also, but it's possible they already have the Fusion out by then.

ED is very tight. Archfiend and spheres didn't come up almost ever, but I still like them in the ED as a board cleaner and back-up plan respectively.

A quick note on the trap: it special summons the card back next turn. This can be used to your advantage, particularly in the Yubel matchup. By banishing the Phantom of Yubel, it is not allowed to come back since it does not get properly fusion summoned by the deck.

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