Stardust Bystial

Master I from on July 15th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 570
53 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck plays using 4 different engines. Each engine synergises surprisingly well with the others and can be used to create boards of layered interaction:

  • Stardust: Stardust Synchron can search AIL which is tons of advantage, and the tribute to ss means you can tribute Seal to summon a lvl 6 dragon (Magnamhut) to trigger AIL. Assault is an extender and combo piece. It can make an early baronne in good hands, and having it in gy makes the end board play around Kaijus or gives an extra interruption
  • Black Metal: 1 card Seal + a body. Without tuner access this makes a solid link board, and with tuner its even better. Black Meteor being lvl 7 works well with Accel Synchron send Assault Synchron being a lvl 3. If you think your opponent has Imperm (and you don't have an extender), consider searching Black Meteor over Darkness Metal, since it plays around it. Boot Sector is CL block, discard and bait.
  • Bystial: You can use Bystials as both extenders and handtraps which is very nice. Ending on Regained is super important cause it makes Dis Pater in GY an extra disruption, and gives great grind game
  • Horus: In good hands, Imsetty baiting Ash is great. This can also turn on your Bystials when going first, which is nice. The extra bodies are nice for everything (Stardust Synchron + Horus = Crimson Dragon + AIL which is full combo). Not playing Zombie Vampire cause it rarely comes up imo.

Ideally you can reach synchro plays by opening access to stardust cards, but you have powerful link plays even without that.

With synchros you're ending on 2-3 omni negates and a monster negate (dis pater in GY) + some amount of layered interaction (bystials in hand, or beast) + constant draws from AIL and Regained. This is done by making a lvl 8 or higher dragon synchro(usually dis pater or crimson dragon) with AIL on field. Keep in mind that CWD misses timing, so AIL draw has to be CL1, and don't shuffle the deck before that (with saronir and such). This is also why i dont play synchro rumble.

Without synchros you can end on seal + i:p with regained (+beast/bystials sometimes). Which is at least 4 interrupts with guaranteed follow up (Seals summons Brotaur which can search magnamut for another disruption + follow up. Also puts Brotaur in GY for grind)

Playing above 40 (and Horus) because there are a lot of garnets in the deck. I also want to try the Centurion cards, but I don't have them yet. With Centurion you probably cut Horus cause they both make you hand negative.

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