
Master I from on June 29th, 2023
cp-ur 360 + cp-sr 810
40 cards

Notes & Combos

With the next banlist (1 empen) this will become less playable.

I droped the 3 D.Fissure because tear is less dominant. So I chose the simorgh package. Went into M1 with this exact deck so it can give you idea.

A lot of player will not fight you and scoop anyways because ornithophobia is a thing.

Master rank is basically a mix of Spright/tear/Bystial/Branded. Found 2 Dinmorphia, one Umi and 2 or 3 Floo.

Simorgh and his terrain open for a lot of play and news 3/2 card combo :

  • Any little bird + Empen + simorgh = Empen
  • Simorgh + Robina + Empen = 2 Empen 3 k atk + Simorgh + 2 backrow (stop chaining once you can use elborz and sumon your two empen with both elborz's effect)
  • Simorgh + Eglen = Empen + Simorgh (next turn you can sumon eglen and sac eglen + Simorgh for raiza/ apex/Empen...)
  • Simorgh + Advent = Robina

Since elborz reduce the cost of sumoning and give you one normal sumon if you have a Wind winged beast on the field (Simorg have two element he's also wind) it help a lot. By the way if for some reason you also have map you can use both in the same turn for 3 normal sumon. Kepp in mind that you can recycle map But elborz is a one shot. Elborz also give +300 Atk wich is suprisingly usefull (3k for Empen and Apex), 3k1 raiza and 2k1 simorgh)

Simorgh and elborz are R so easy to craft

Simorg effect do not work under shifter !!! You can't send the copy to GY.

You can change a few things :

  • Evenly matched, shifter and DD Crow are my go 2nd cards ( MaxxC, DRNM, Ash can remplace them).
  • Book of moon is super usefull you can use it to defend your bird or to get ride of a negate monster (who will either negate the book or go FD) But you can cut it for something else
  • I run 3 Extrav, you can run 2
  • You can cut the prosperity but it's a good fall back when extrav get negated and it add a lot of consistancy to your deck.
  • Called by is a very usefull card (Counter Ash !) but it can be exchanged for something else. A verry good card against tear and a good card against spright (the link-2 summon from GY so Crow and CBTG kill the play)

IMO MaxxC isn't good in Floo. Neither is Ash. It's mainly because most people scoop after Evenly (wich is normal, this card is broken)

Do whatever you want with your ED but Goddess can save you against the matmech tower (spam summon on their turn, summon goddess on your turn) zeus is allways a nice adition and Knightmare can get ride of bagooska.

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