Code Talker

Master I from on June 19th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 720
54 cards

Notes & Combos

Singularity Iblee Lock

1 card combo ends on Iblee + Accesscode + x2 Co-Link Firewall + Singularity + Superfact + Conflict

This is my perferred version of code talker to play. It has good consistency, ends on a strong board through hand traps, Iblee makes super polymerization/kaijus not work, and can chain block Defenser with Balelynx. Being able to chain block Defenser still comes up a lot right now.

EM:P is a new addition. I think the card is good, but it is optional to play because it is not needed for the turn 1 combo. It's a good card going 2nd and it gives the deck a chance to out d-fissure.

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