Crystal Beast

Master I from on June 25th, 2024
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 420
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Climbed from M5 to M1 with this deck. The main role of the Snake-Eyes engine is to put up enough materials for Saryuja. Having only one engine (Springans) to get into Saryuja didn't feel good to me, as it is easy to interrupt and often leaves you with little backup. Adding the Snake-Eyes engine provides a second method to get enough mats for Saryuja without relying on the normal summon. The main game plane going first is to turbo Saryuja and use him to customize your hand to be as best as possible. Ideally, you use the first engine to summon Saryuja, and then use the second engine to do the standard Snake-Eyes Promethean Princess, summon Flamberge, and place I:P in the backrow. If your draws are good enough, you'll also get Golden Rule with Ruby which can strengthen your board further with Apollo or Bagooska. Drawing into a way to get Crystal Miracle with Sayuja is ideal, as it is the only spell/trap negate in the deck. Flamberge is also useful for summoning a Pegasus from your backrow on your opponent's turn to place another CB in the backrow while Bridge of the Heart is on field for a bounce. Flamberge is also a source of removal, which is helpful in the deck. In theory, the Vaylantz field spells should be particularly good in Fire King meta, as it can replace Island and nuke their board. Unfortunately, I have yet to draw it in a Fire King match-up. Some ratios can probably be adjusted to maximize the change of opening a hand that can get into both the Springans combo and the Snake-Eyes combo, with some room for non-engine. I'm still in the process of optimizing it. The Salvation package was dropped to fit in the Snake-Eyes engine. Although Gameciel with the field spell is really strong, the Salavation package doesn't feel good to me with only 1 Foolish Burial Goods.

  • M5 to M1 climb dates: June 17 - June 23 (7 days)
  • Total number of games to reach M1: 77
  • Number of games going first: 42 (54.55%)
  • Number of games going second: 35 (45.45%)
  • Number of games won going first: 26 (61.90%)
  • Number of games won going second: 19 (54.29%)
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