Cyber Dragon

Master I from on June 29th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 120
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I want to start off with a bit of a rant. This was by far the unluckiest season I ever had. This was due to multiple factors with the main one being the shuffler. I was either getting duplicates (even 3 of a kind many times) or getting the 1 of's which I only have 4 not counting Duster. Because of this I was tilted in most games and threw away a lot for free.

With that out of the way let me talk about the climb. I started in Plat 5 since I haven't been playing much for the last two months. I was using Cydra the entire climb but I was testing a few cards along the way. This is the first time that I am saying this but the climb was hard and the shuffler made it much worse. Overall, this is a very unfun and unhealthy meta with auto-win one card combo decks that can fill half their deck with handtraps.

Moving on to the deck, I started using this exact list somewhere in Master 4 and kept it the same since. I made two changes from my previous list. For the main deck, I replaced Raigeki with a 2nd Lightning Storm. Raigeki is not doing that much this season and I was bricking on it a lot. Lightning Storm on the other hand is very good right now, and can win a lot of games (Rescue-Ace, Sky Striker,...,). I want to point out though that if you're facing a lot of Kashtira and having problems against it then I would put it back...maybe try 41 cards.

You will see in the replays that I was still using Raigeki in two games in Master 4-5. In one of them it could have been Lightning Storm with no impact on the match but in the other one it did help board wipe.

For the Extra Deck, ideally we want to play 2 Megafleet and 2 Infinity but because we lack space, we have to manage with one each. I replaced the 2nd Megafleet with S:P which can be very useful as it provides another form of removal that can be really good against problematic cards or for the grind game.

Finally, I want to mention a few things about piloting this deck. Make no mistake this is a difficult deck to pilot if you're playing against meta decks in higher ranks. The reason for this is the limited resources that the deck has. It doesn't have one card combos, it doesn't have as much room for handtraps as other decks, and it doesn't have as many good engine cards as other decks. You need to be patient, know where to handtrap, be smart on how you're using your resources, and you pretty much cannot misplay.

Drop any questions you have in the comments and hope you enjoy the replays!

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ID: 456-395-881