
Master I from on June 30th, 2024
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 330
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Crazy Z-ARC package

The Z-ARC package helped against all the current meta decks since many of them utilize spells like Snake-Eyes, Fire king, Horus and everything else out there.

  • Crystal clear wing made decks with Horus bareable.

  • The Banish effect of Soul of the supreme king can eat an Ash for us if needed

  • Brave-Eyes pendulum dragon negates the effects of monsters with 0 ATK aka ash blossom. we gain the freedom to use our strike/intact on other important cards like Fire king Kirin.

Hand traps: Shifter is a coin toss either it works or it doesnt. If you don't like shifter try either imperm, mourner, veiler or evenly match.

Warning: Summoning the dragons + our fusion monsters can leave us open to a nibiru.

This package seems very promising against future releases like Yubel who utilize spells and have 0 ATK. So I would say its a good investment BUT the package is not necessary to climb the ladder.

Linked videos show my climb from Master 5 - Master 1 with Z-ARC after june Patch Diamond - Master 5 with my previous Deck list before patch

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https://youtu.be/Z_mcdgeBpe4 https://youtu.be/GDxPtrzJxW0