Infernoble Knight

Master I from on June 19th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 570
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Made it to Master 1 this season as well (lost confidence for a while since I kept tumbling back into the ladder, but made it in the end). It's pretty much the same deck from last season, but made a few modifications:

  1. Obviosly, since Wanted was limited to one, i replaced one Wanted with another Diabellstar. I've seen some people put three of them but I feel like that is too much. Two feels fine to me.
  2. On the same note, someone might be wondering why I also removed one Museum. Well the truth is, if you open with nothing but equips or Museums, you are inescapably bricked, and to me it happened a few times. So I tried to remove one, and honestly, the deck seems to work just fine without one. Might be bringing back the third Museum in the future, though.
  3. And about bringing back, I brought back Living Fossil, since the ladder this season was absolutely merciless, and I needed more consistency. I was reliyng to much on not having used Durendal in order to have two warriors for Isolde, but now I can also use it with no worries.
  4. I havent mentioned this last season, but I keep two Synchro Charles to reduce the probability that both of them are taken away by cards like Kashira Unicorn. Again, I might replace the second Synchro Charles for something else, probably either Hiita or Masquerena
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I do have a few replays, and I'm actually quite proud of the most recent one. The second most recent one showcases what I consider to be one of the best combo this deck can archieve. There are also some really old ones, from when I first piched up the deck ( I was still using the Bamboo Sword package)

If you want , you can see them in my profile: 674-963-238