Infernoble Knight

Master I from on June 18th, 2024
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 510
60 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck providing extra route synchro summon Angelica, allowing us to combo further even though Isolde second effect got negated if we have access to Ohime or Ha-Re ready in grave. Negating Isolde now no longer Infenoble Knight's choke point.

It's 60 cards deck, weaker resistance to Maxx C, at the same time providing more options to bait negate before summoning Isolde and more ways to break boards going second. Phoenix Gearblade works really well with Mikanko Ha-Re, I won a lot games using double Ha-Re reflecting battle damage, pairing with Gearblade, two Ha-Re can attack four times.

For the combo section, start combo using Sanke-Eyes/Diabellstar/Mikankos to bait hand traps/negates, full combo end board without any interuptions will ended up with 5 or more disruptions, always. The best end board will have 11 or 12 disruptions depending how good is your starting hand. Guarantee win most of the cases. And the benifits of Snake-Eyes engine in the deck is allowing us to summon Apollosa or Baronne before sending Flamberge to grave, providing option to play through Nibiru.

Feel free to check my game play videos on youtube to learn more about this deck. And huge thanks to people share my guide in Master Duel meta, and reach master rank using this deck :D

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