
Master I from on June 26th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Unfortunately, I don't have any good replays for Rankrush, because a lot of opponents quit immediately after you resolve Amset Effect or have a full combo with Unicorn.

Nevertheless, the gameplan is quite simple:

  • Arise-Heart is the main objective
  • Horus is just extra to protect Arise-Heart and to make sure that you get to OTK in a turn 3.

So the right approach is always: Search Unicorn, summon him and then eat various handtraps like Ash with the Horus Engine to get into the Kashtira combo afterwards.

Ideally, you'll have a 3-material Arise-Heart, a Shangri-Ira and 2 to 3 Horus monsters on the field in your End Phase. Shangri then summons the second Unicorn on turn 2 and then you have a good board, which some decks have a lot of problems with.

And the good thing about the Horus Engine is that even if your Arise-Heart leaves the field, you still get draw 4 with Duamutef (depending on the end board) and always survive a turn with the protection effect of Kebechsenuef.

Oh, and I didn't play Maxx C in this build because it usually gets negated anyway and I wanted to have Boardbreaker in hand instead.

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