
Master I from on June 30th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 660
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Really rough season for Mikankos now that Fire Kings are out. With non-target destruction running everywhere Huli's strong point isn't really too much of an advantage anymore. Added Raigeki to be bait out I:Ps. Actually went into the ED a fair amount of times this seasons because the OTKs are a lot harder than previous seasons. Main winners of the ED are the Zeus and S:P. Zealantis + Princess + Raging combo would normally be what kills you if you can't kill any of the fire decks in one turn so try to hold your traps until Zealantis comes out if you can. When you're up against Fire King, if you can somehow manage to throw an Arabesque on their fire monster and it resolves it can mess up their combo since Garunix needs them to be destroyed. Very rare you'll have that happen though.

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ID: 744-000-267