
Master I from on June 30th, 2024
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

✨⭐️✨ I D :091-690-479 ✨⭐️✨ Add Me, Watch Replays 😃 👉 The DB replay in replays is a 2 card combo (if you open the Thunder Dragon package) that ends on Colossus, Quick eff Raigeki x2 (Buttler), and/or Harpie's Feather Duster x2 (Rip Roarin); with potential for full follow up. I narrated it to the best of my ability as this deck is actually rather complex and you do need to play around the Xeno lock while also optimizing hand trap bait.

🔥 💦 Prank Kids 💨 🪨

I love this deck, I will forever find myself coming back to this deck when I am tired of a format and want something fun/enjoyable/familiar. I struggled a lot this month to find a fun deck. Between the WCQ draining all my energy (just to be unable to break top 15 NA and fail to reach my goal) and the constant Sneyes/Fire King onslaught this was a much needed deck choice.

I'm not going to narrate the entire combo here as I did in my DB link, and have replays, but a few key tips I will insert:

  • Use Fans as 2nd kid to know if you can mill Plan or if you need to mill Panda for the 2nd Dodo to retrieve.
  • Resolve TD Hawk before Panda due to Xenolock.
  • The field spell is only an activate OPT, the boost and debuff is not. This came up several times against Mathmech/Salad to out their 5k+ guy using Bow Wow point + field spell buffs/nerfs.
  • People never expect the trap's GY effect for some reason. I caught so many wins off of this, additionally it recycles your entire deck and lets you absolutly punish people in the grind game.
  • Don't admit in any close games, this deck has insane grind game and can loop Drops/Lamps really well to burn. I had games go to turn 18 where I just kept up a resource loop and interupted opponents attempted plays. As long as we have 3x Cat we are always in it.

Alternative Techs:

  • If you want, you can run Adventure or DPE engine over Thunder Dragons. But I find it a lot less powerful. Did you know Fans can become Colossus? Exactly. Did you know Colossus crushes Sneyes? Yeah.
  • DPE is also power crept but feel free to consider it.
  • You can run a different hand trap package if you want, I like the 1 ofs for the inevitable clutch Crossout target. Plus drawing into Nib + Veiler off of someone playing into Maxx C feels too good.
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