
Master I from on June 17th, 2024
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Holy moly im retiring from the M1 grind. Wanted to prove to myself I could get there with predaplant again but man M5 is enough for me.

Also shoutout to the person who just conceded on my rank up to M1 I appreciate it. I was ping ponging from deranking to ranking up for like forever. Don't know if you bricked or were feeling nice but you saved me from this **** :)

Fire king is an abysmal matchup. Their important monster effects activate in the graveyard as well as being able to dodge targeted negation. A good player can also force out a set super poly without committing anyting worthwhile on the board. Even then good luck getting through the plethora of handtraps.

Tear is still annoying and faced it a fair amount near M1. They either psuedo ftk you going first, brick, or open every engine board breaker. Games feel out of your control and scream makes nearly any monster able to beat over your dragostapelia.

Stun even when you go first is terrifying. Normal summon dyna with protection is practically an ftk since most of our removal requires special summoning. Gotta hope they can't interrupt a scorpio or sarra crashing into it.


Decks that are either spell/trap dependent or effects activate outside of the field are a suck for this deck which is what I seemed to face the most.

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Gonna add some replays from near M1.

ID: 962-026-863