
Master I from on June 27th, 2024
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 600
46 cards

Notes & Combos

2x Petal: it's not a great normal summon but still quite decent and can help insulate your plays.

1x Lonefire Blossom: I used to be on 2 but I gradually reduced my deck size and it had to go back to 1, it's fine if you draw it cuz it's not that important to the full combo and it's the worst ns.

2x Sowing: it's still one of the better cards in the deck to draw in combinations and the ratios allow it.

3x Borea: it does everything it extends, it insulates, it's your best followup, I'd probably try playing 4x if I could.

2x Glamou/Konkon: Glamour is a decent extender, but a bad starter and you don't need 3x for grind game/konkon is a pretty good board breaker but I don't think it's that important most of the time and you rarely need the 3rd one.

Non-engine: 3x Evenly Matched cuz it's insane into RACE, SE, and generally most decks either can't deal with it, nobody plays around it or you can brute force through their negates + 1x HFD cuz it's good into RACE which is really popular and not that bad into SEFK if you have other cards to back it up + 2x Thrust to search these cards, but not 3x because (I don't own the third) I'm only running 3 or 4 targets, but the ones that I do run I'm trying to find a lot of the time. Also Rivalry cuz it's really good if you get Maxx C'ed, or in combination with Evenly Matched.

I'm not running Forbidden Droplet anymore cuz it's pretty mediocre into the top meta decks, and the boards that it can break that Evenly can't I think you in theory need much more specific hands to win as opposed to Evenly (also you can't Thrust it). I'm not running S:P Little Knight anymore, because it's mostly only good in combination with Tactics, and even when you can make Little Knight it tends to be unnecessary by the time you can actually make her. After cutting S:P, I went from 3 TTT to 2 to 1 to 0, because imo it's very mediocre even as a thrust target and doesn't really help you beat most decks in a meaningful way.

I used to be running 48-50 cards, but the extra cards I was running weren't that great, and going to 60 to fix ratios is a trap, because the cards you have to add are pretty mediocre and you don't need much flexibility on ladder, only building your deck around what is popular. The deck is already decently flexible anyway + you lose to Maxx C less when you're closer to 40 cards.

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