
Master I from on June 21st, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 150
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Salads became really powerful with the new cards last month. It's also very cheap to build with the structure deck and last month's selection pack still available. Will for 4 is broken and Weasel to activate Princess is silly.

This version runs Baronne & Apollusa, because they are OP and you should be trying to jam them into every deck that can summon them.

Most 2-starter hands can end on Apollusa/Baronne/Pyro Phoenix/Roar, with Code of Soul and Princess in GY (sometimes with another Raging Phoenix on board and Ash in hand). That's 2 omni-negates that destroy, 3 or 4 monster effect negates, 1 special summon destroy, and 1 Raigeki+Duster on their turn.

1 Lady Debug starter (with no interruption) ends on 2400 ATK Apollusa/Pyro Phoenix/Raging Phoenix with Code of Soul and Princess in the GY

Notes on combo lines:

  • Lady Debug almost always gets Gazelle. If you already have Gazelle, then get Code of Soul (T1) or Meowmine (T2) or Spinny if you need a way to activate Gazelle
  • Gazelle usually gets Roar (T1) or Jack Jaguar (T2)
  • Miragestallio usually gets Tiger. It locks you into Fire effects, so use Wicckid before Miragestallio. You almost never use Miragestallio T2 because it locks you out of Zealantis
  • Horse Prince locks you out of Tiger and Baronne. Zealantis after Horse Prince with Tiger/Baronne on board means you lose them (I found out the hard way)
  • Some hands are so good that the only way to lose is if you get Nibbed. In these games you should summon Tiger from hand, get Baronne out before the 5th summon, and continue to extend from there. Tiger can pitch any Salad card - Roar is a great card to pitch, Sanctuary can also be pitched in a pinch (happens more often than you think).

Notes on card choices:

  • Parallel Exceed - it's the 2nd best card in the deck after Gazelle, 2 bodies for 1 card, and it's a level 4 for Baronne
  • Foxy - if you open Salad Circle + 4 handtraps, you search for a Foxy and pray to the RNG gods. The second effect also comes up a lot, sometimes it's your only out against problematic floodgates. Foxy can also be activated with a Sanctuary on board if you want to pitch a Jack Jaguar/Spinny (you can chose to not destroy)
  • Meowmine - great interaction on T2, and sometimes the only way to extend if they remove your Lady Debug
  • No Salad of Fire. Don't want to be hardlocked into Fire
  • No Rage. You never search for it, and when you draw it you always wish it was a handtrap or a combo piece
  • No Falco. The effect rarely comes up and it's a dead draw
  • No Speedroids. They're not Cyberse, they only help you summon Miragestallio which a lot of time you don't want to do anyway, and Taketomborg is a dead draw

Extra deck space is super tight

  • Wicckid is an indispensible tutor for Weasel (or Tiger sometimes). Wicckid>Weasel>Horse Prince>Code of Soul lets you extend into your main combo if Balelynx gets Ashed/Impermed
  • The 2nd Sunlight Wolf was cut in favor of Hiita. The 2nd Wolf always felt like "win more", while Hiita ramps link-2 to link-3 when something gets Ashed.
  • No Little Knight. OTK on T2 or bust.

Interesting interactions:

  • Horse Prince can get Ash Blossom if you don't need Code of Soul, and Sunlight Wolf can put Ash back in hand
  • Weasel can put a Phoenix on your opponent's side and Zealantis brings it back to your side
  • Zealantis brings back Parallel Exceed at full stats
  • Tiger can tick down to level 4 to summon Balelynx, or Tiger + Meowmine = Horse Prince
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Replays: 170-683-663